Guided by Arielle,
founder of Anana Earth
Break free from patterns and mindsets that are no longer serving you.
You will reprogram negative patterns with relationships, success, money, food, and more.
You will discover freedom as you rewire your mind & body to instinctively respond to life in a more controlled, relaxed way.
It's 100% risk-free.
Experience the difference in your daily life or receive 100% of your money back.
You'll be led through a 7-Step process using
the Collective Reprocessing method
60 min/session
1. Discovery
We talk about the patterns in your life that are bothering you.
4. Bridging
We activate both hemispheres of the brain to change your thoughts.
2. Memory Retrieval
We begin the journey into your body's memories.
5. Reprocessing
We shift the physical and chemical experience of the memory.
3. Resourcing
We create a safe space to come back to when you get overwhelmed.
6. Reconciling
Shifting beliefs of self and values to align with the reprocessing.
7. Integration
Apply new experience to daily life and experience transformation.